Sunday, September 22, 2013


Some physicists believe and argue that earth and its moon are indeed a “Binary Planet System” and that when we look into the night sky we are seeing a planet when we look to our moon. And there does seem to be good science supporting this hypothesis. As most moons in our solar system orbit on their host planets equatorial plane, our moon does not; it orbits at 5.1 of the ecliptic plane, meaning instead of orbiting around the center axis of the host planet as other moons do, our moon orbits on the planetary plane as the other planets in our solar system.
Most moons in the solar system are slowly moving closer to their host planet but our moon is not, it is moving away from earth at approximately 3” per year. The McDonald Observatory in Texas actually watches its wobble and minor movements with lasers. The sun holds the greatest amount of gravitational pull on our moon, much greater than earth. Our planet only has 54% of gravitational hold on the moon thus explaining why its moving away; and our moon is larger than the planet mercury.
But what makes a planet has been a topic of controversy for decades, as Pluto has become the latest casualty and demoted to Drawf Planet. The IAU “International Astronomical Union” has set a definition for what makes a celestial body a planet, saying that it must be a rocky body with layers and be geologically active. We know that the moon has detectable quakes and was geologically active in the past, also it must orbit the sun. I have still not found the answer as to why they consider the gas giants as planets when they do not know if they have rocky cores and layers. Also, some argue that our moon “does” orbit the sun as it also orbits the earth on its ecliptical plane.
Some physicists argue that the moon will someday become a planet when it breaks free from earths gravity, and still others argue not until its barycenter “center point of gravity” is located outside the surface of earth, but the barycenter of Pluto and Ceres is well outside the surface of Pluto and they call Ceres “ Pluto’s moon”. Both earth and moon have a slight wobble in their orbits, that is why sometimes we see the moon’s “liberation” causing us to see around the darker side slightly at certain times; so both have a gravitational affect on each other.
The moon was known as a planet until Copernicus in 1543, and it was Christiaan Huygens who first coined the word “moon” in his papers “Luna Saturnia” It was Johannes Kepler who first used the term “Satellite” from the Latin “satelles” in 1610 meaning “guard” “attendant” or “companion” and today is the most common term used in science “natural satellite”.
But when you look to the heavens you are seeing another planet right there in plain view, or if you wish, a beautiful moon, because they are made of the same stuff, The real issue in the debate over moon or planet is the meaning put to the word “planet” than an  objective astronomical or physical reality.
Wesley J Hunt

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"A little sea sprite, on the sea one night, Cried " now is the time for me"
And he looked above, and he looked for his love, for he was in love you see.
Not a bit to soon, She came to the moon, Were she grasped her lovers hand.
And they sang with glee, As they splashed in the sea,
Right into the sea sprites land."
(Originally published in manuscript form in 1899 by Jack London
"The sea sprite and the shooting star")
We humans love our shooting stars as we wish upon them, write poems about them, and stare in Ahh! as they streak across a black sky with there blazing colors lighting up the ground we stand. Even our fireworks emulate them,They come in many colors and brightness, and at different speeds, Some are small and faint while others are huge fireballs breaking up into many smaller streaks, but always they are beautiful.
I will often lay in a gravity chair on a cool dark starry night, The silence and the vastness of the sparkling night sky dominates my senses," When all of the sudden" There she goes! burning up as she enters our night sky, ripping thru our atmosphere so bright that she leaves a faint shadow on me and the ground, She will move across the heavens with speeds incomprehensible and burn out and be gone as fast as she came. Were did she come from? How many millions of years did she wander the cosmos before ending here life here in front of me.
Shooting stars actually have nothing to do with stars as they are the broken pieces and remnants of Comets and Asteroids, They are called "Meteoroids" as they enter the atmosphere they are called " Meteors" and if they hit the ground they are called meteorites"As a comet traverses our solar system they leave behind a trail of rock, iron, and ice debris from dust and pebble size to large rocks and boulders in there orbits and as our planet moves thruout the year around our sun we pass thru these debris fields and slam into them at 66,700 miles per hour, When something is hit at that speed it will instantly release energy and vaporize, Most Meteors burn up before making it to the ground.
Several thousand meteors hit earth everyday but most are the size of a grain of rice or smaller, Meteors slam into earth both day and night but are only visible at night because of darkness, you can estimate what a shooting star is made of by watching its colors as it burns across the night sky, orange/yellow is (sodium), yellow is (iron), blue/green is (copper), purple is (potassium), and red is (silicate) It is estimated that 37,000 to 38,000 tons falls to earth each year as meteorite dust, thus causing earth to gain mass. If you are watching for meteors you will notice that they move at different speeds, there speed is a result of our planet hitting them from behind as we travel in the same relative direction or hitting them head on,
In all of recorded history no person has ever been killed by meteorite, but a number of people, vehicles, and property have been struck by them, In 1954 a housewife in Alabama was asleep on her couch when a large rock crashed thru her roof bounced off a piece of furniture and wounded her in the hip, Oct. 9 1992 a 26-pound chuck of melted iron punched a large hole clear thru the trunk-lid of a Chevy and was found under the vehicle,The old run down car instantly became worth tens of thousands of dollars, In June 1994 in Spain a man and wife were driving when a 3-pound meteor crashed thru the windshield bending the steering wheel and landing in the rear seat, The driver only suffered broken fingers, But most falling stars land in deserts and the ocean as most of our home planet is covered with water.
Physicists tell us that everything is really made of stardust, so if you would like to get your hands on some stardust of your own then here is a simple way the get some, cosmic dust lands all over the earths surface including the roof of your home everyday, Take a magnet and run it down your rain gutters or on the ground at the bottom of your rain downspout, You will pick up White, Grey, and Black particles, You are now holding very own micro-meteorites, They were once a grand heavenly body that drifted thru the cosmos and has now come to rest in the palm of your hand.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Planet Predicted By Mathmatics (Neptune)
In 1781 british astronomer Sir Willian Herschel noticed somthing strange about the orbit of Uranus. somthing was amiss. Uranus did not follow the laws of physics as he understood them at the time.its movements acted as if somthing was disturbing it. Later in 1841 the french astronomer Alexis Bouvard also thought somthing was wrong with the orbit of Uranus. it is being tugged at by an unknown source. there had to be somthing out there that we dont know.
During the 1840s astronomers John Adams and Urbain La Verrier independently Decided to calculate using mathmatics and physics where the mystery planet should be in the future to be seen. and that would explain the strange behaviour of our 7th planet Uranus.
September 23rd 1846 acting upon Adams and La verriers Pedictions German astronomer Johann Galle made the very first direct observation of the blue planet At the Berlin observatory. It was there just like Adams and La Verrier predicted. It was dramatic and a sensation in the astronomical world because Johann Galle not only discoverd Neptune he also comfirmed the "Newtonian gravitational theory." It has been said that Adams and LaVerrier discovered a planet "with the point of a pen"
Because of its distance from the sun 4.5 Billion Kilometers, 30 AU, astronomical units , (30 times the sun earth distance) it takes Neptune 165 yrs to make one orbit.and will not be back in this postion until the year 2176
July 12 2011 Neptune arrived back to the spot " heliocentric longitude" (relative to its orbit to the sun) were it was when it was discovered 165 yrs ago. and the planet still remains one of the biggest mysteries of the solar system,
In1989 the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew approx 3000 miles above the northpole of neptune returning many images of the planet before heading off for interstellar space.
In 2014 the "New Horizons" spacecraft will arrive for its visit of neptune 25 yrs after Voyager. So it is said that July 12th 2011 is the birthday of the discovery of neptune.
Wesley J Hunt
(as printed in the July 2011 edition of Dolphin Talk) 

20 fascinating facts
In the world of astronomy i have always been fascinated by the numbers and distances mostly because i didn't understand them. and as the saying goes "I want to know!' I wanted to understand what the astronomers, physicists and scientists were talking about. and after reading books on the subject of astrophysics.well.. i still don't know!. it lets me understand but then it leads to more questions, it seems to have the domino effect on me.I always wished i could have had coffee with Einstein,Galileo, Kepler or Copernicus, but then i realize i would leave with more questions than i asked. but then that is what humans have done for thousands of years, they had a sense of wonder.It is an amazing fact that your grade school child has more scientific knowledge than Galileo.
(1) Galileo is incorrectly credited with inventing the telescope. Historians believe that Dutchmen Johannas Lippershey an eyeglass maker invented it. But that Galileo was the first to use it for night sky observations.
(2) Shooting stars are really just tiny pebbles falling thru our atmosphere and burning up as our planet flys thru space. As comets traverse thru our solar system they leave trails of rock and dust behind them like a long dusty cloud. then our planet travels thru these dusty clouds at 67,250 MPH as we spin around our sun.
(3) We are rotating at this moment at approx 1000 mph,
(4) We are approx 23 million miles from were we were in space yesterday at this time.
(5) Neutron stars are so dense, That a soup can sample of its material would have more mass than our moon.
(6) Polaris the north-star is the only star in the sky that does not appear to move "it moves in a tiny circle as its location just happens to be at our polar axes"
(7) Venus is the only planet that rotates in reverse
(8) Earth is 93 million miles from the sun and it takes approx 16 million horsepower to break its gravitational pull
(9) On a clear night the eye can only perceive approx 3000 stars at one time. But a telescope will let you see more than a billion.
(10) The sun at this moment is producing 383 "Billion Trillion" kilowatts
(11) The closest star to us is Proxima Centauri. It is 4 lg (Light years away)
(12) Sun spots are areas of the sun that are 3000 degrees cooler than the rest of the sun.
(13) The rings of Saturn are made of ice and rocks
(14) Pluto was in part demoted as a planet and is called a "Dwarf Planet" because it does not have a fixed orbit and sometimes even crosses the orbit of another planet (Neptune)
(15) The fastest speed for the space shuttle is recorded at 18,000 mph.
(16) At 30 years old, You are 1 billion seconds old, You can not count to a trillion in your lifetime or you children or great grand children's lifetime.
(17) Jupiter is the solar systems vacuum cleaner, its gravitational pull is so strong that it draws most of the meteors and comets, physicists believe that if it were not for Jupiter, earth impacts would be 10,000 times greater.
(18) Jupiter has more mass than all other planets in the solar system combined.
(19) In space astronauts gain two inches in height because of the lack of gravity.
( 20 ) The largest number that can be used in astrophysics is "Googleplex" and there have never been enough paper printed on earth to hold the Zeros, 000,000,000,000,000,000,etc.
Wesley J Hunt
(as printed in the Sept. 2011 issue of Dolphin Talk)

Out Of Curiosity

I was wondering how they are going to land the largest heaviest most complex rover ever built, to grace the face of another planet. while the rovers Spirit and Opportunity are the size of a childs fourwheeler, this rover Is the size of an automobile, She is the biggest Most high tech, rover ever built And she is nuclear powered!, No more solar panels to get dusty and have power fades. No more tiny wheels and gears that wear out to quickly as with the rover Spirit whos right front wheel wore out and locked up causing NASA to drive it in reverse draging it behind the rover.
This new rover is one smart cookie, It can sniff the atmostphere and analize what it smells, Has a laser powerful enough to vaporize rock and then analize the vapor, It comes with a unique instrument called a APXS ( Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer, That can measure the abundance of chemicle elements in the dust, soil and rocks.It will also search out organic molecules ( the building blocks of life)
The rover is equiped with high definition color camaras an will send back both photos and video.She is one heavy rover wieghing in at 2000lbs and costing a whopping 2.5 billion dollars It is expected to dramaticllly increase scientific knowledge of the red planet.
But getting this big beautiful girl the surface is going to be harrowing. as dropping in at mars at more than 13,000 miles per hour would be certain diseaster, So NASA has come up with a very unique way to land.
With a launch window of Nov 25 thru Dec 18 2011and being launched on the massive Atlas V rocket and ten long months of journey The rover will arrive at mars riding inside a cone shaped capsule with a heatshield cover on its buttom,for its 81 mile journey thru mars atmostphere. a parachute will deploy slowing the capsule to the point that the shield and chute is no longer needed. The capsule will simotaniouslly release both chute and shield while four rockets fire bringing the capsule to a near hover while cables lower the rover, upon contact with the surface the cable will cut from the rover and the cone will then fly off at an angle crashing into Mars surface.
While some scientists shiver at the thought of this complex senerio. Nasa says it has proven very reliable in its many tests here on earth.
The rover will be landing at Gale Crater and hopfully soon we will be hearing that it is running around sniffing everything it sees like a little curious puppy. which is fitting for a rover that Nasa has named "Curiosity"
Wesley J Hunt
(as printed in the nov 2011 dolphin talk)

A Black Spot On The Sun June 5th
(photo by Wesley J Hunt  16"dobsonian telescope)
"A black, round spot-and that is all;
And such a speck our earth would be
if he who looks upon the stars
Through the red atmosphere of Mars
Could see our little creeping ball
Across the disk of crimson crawl
As our sister planet see."
-Excerpt from the Flaneur, Boston Common, December 6Th,1882
By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
The evening of June 5Th 2012 will be a sight that no person alive today will get to witness again. It is one of the rarest sights we will ever witness, Not since 2004 has the planet Venus crossed the face of our closest star the sun, and not again until the year 2117 will it again be witnessed by the people of earth,
As Venus moves from becoming the evening star to becoming our morning star it will cross the face of the Sun and make first contact within 2 minutes of "22:05 universal time. 5:05 CDT or if living on coastal time " when the sun reaches the horizon and reaches the top of a fish hook held at arms length.
The transit of Venus has always been important to science, Scientists use the transit of Venus to calculate the "Principal of Parallax" (parallax- is the displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight.
In 1663 a Scottish mathematician James Gregory had the idea of solar parallax of Venus and Mercury to help prove the celestial distances A.U. (astronomical unit)
The transit of Venus was so important that in 1769 the British Royal Society ordered Capt. James Cook aboard HMS Endeavor with other scientist to Tahiti to observe and calculate the Venus transit. The British Admiralty was not thrilled will the idea at the time but did agree and ordered a secret mission to find the unknown land of the south to follow.
The French government realizing the importance of the transit of Venus sent orders: "All Men Of War." DETAIN NOT! and BRING NO HARM! to British Bark "Endeavor." " As it was out on enterprises that were of service to all mankind"
The transit of Venus is the rarest of predicable astronomical phenomena,they occur in a pattern every 243 yrs. With pairs of transits every 121 yrs and 105 yrs.
The transit will last approx 6 hrs and 30 min. but here in Texas will be cut short by sunset, It will blacken only 3% of the sun but may be seen with the naked eye using appropriate eyeware. #14 welders lense can be bought for an average price of 3 to 5 dollars from any welding shop and there are countless websites were observing gogles can be purchaced very reasonably.
I bought two welders lenses for my binoculars because i like to observe the sun spots anyway. and they work nice for observing sun activities, transits and eclipses.But always use a safe solar filter when observing the sun, the damage the sun can do to your retinas may be permenant.
Venus has been called our sister planet as it is almost the same size as earth, It is the second planet from the sun and named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.But venus is far from love and beauty.
Long ago it was theorized that Venus had an atmostphere and must have life. Today of course we know that Venus has an atmostphere of acid and extreme heat, the pressure that would crush any life attemping to land. Its gravity is 92 times that of earth. If you weigh 200 pounds you would weigh 18,400 pounds on Venus. a Reminder of how beautiful our planet really is.
Wesley J Hunt
(as printed in the Dolphin talk)
The Pale Blue Dot          .
We have all heard the saying "What a small world" But as i look up at the heavens at night at the vastness of the cosmos i am reminded just how small we really are and of my own insignificance and how little i am in the great scheme of things, I can see a thousand stars with my naked eye then turn and look into the telescope at one point of blackness and see a million more, "My eyepiece is but a tiny thimble with a million sparkling diamonds"
I can see strange gasses of all colors (nebulae) and groups of stars so dense that they glow in the eyepiece like a far off city (Globular Clusters), Distant galaxies glow with there trillions of faint points of light and i wonder "what would we look like from there" but for now we could only imagine.
Well it turns out we do have a small glimpse of just how small we really are, In 1990 the Voyager 1 spacecraft "the farthest man made object" finished its NASA mission of studying and photographing the far out planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune,and was headed for interstellar space, Astronomer Dr.Carl Sagan talked NASA into allowing JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) to turn the spacecraft for one last picture of earth from 3.7 billion miles away,
with all the beautiful closeup and colorful pictures being returned to earth of all the planets the one that stood out to Dr.Sagan was the one of a grainy"Pale Blue Dot" that took 5.5 hours for the signal to reach earth,
I'm reminded of the tiny ant that craws along the ground, He could not imagine how large the world he craws upon really is, And the same with us as we try to see deeper and farther into the cosmos with larger and larger telescopes, we are but a tiny grain of sand in the large ocean of interstellar space. It is said that "astronomy is humbling" problems of everyday become small and insignificant when one stargazes into the larger world beyond our own,
Dr Sagan pointed out that "all of human history has happened on that tiny pixel, everyone we know, everyone that has ever been, every person, everyone you ever heard of, Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, Here! Right here! on this "Pale Blue Dot"
             Wesley J Hunt
(as printed in the Dolphin Talk)
The Link Between Your thumb
 And The South Pole
Did you know that science approximates that 10 particles are going through your thumb per minute? 50 times that many would bombard your thumb above the earths atmosphere,
and people who live at higher elevations receive several times more of these cosmic particles bombarding our planet every second, and long distance airline pilots can double their yearly doses of these particles,
They are known as "Energetic Charged Subatomic Particles" or "Ionizing Radiation"and very little is known of there origins, they have long been a conundrum to science and were first detected in 1785, The search for these particles have come from many countries, There was once an electroscope mounted to the top of the Eiffel Tower in France.
These particles are known to originate from space, about 89 percent of them are simple protons and hydrogen nuclei, but the question has always remained "were are they coming from" and what are there health affects to humans. as they are the biggest barrier to human interplanetary travel. Sciences knowledge in this area is still poor, When the Apollo Astronauts reported seeing sparks in there eyes NASA immediately turned to the physicists for answers. as it turns out they were seeing the affects of sub atomic particles hitting there retinas.What is known is that these particles when received in large doses can damage the DNA of reactive oxygen species, and that most of these cosmic particles cause little to no damage to us on the planets surface as there are a number of factors that protect earths inhabitants, However these cosmic particles contain very high energy, so high in fact that when they collide with molecules from our atmosphere they split in more particles,They are millions of times more energetic than the collider "CERN" in Europe, and that is how they know they are not going to blow up the world as some believe with the CERN particle accelerator, some of these particles have reached earths surface based collectors with enough energy to be dangerous to us humans, they are very few but the search for there origins continue.
The greatest contributor to our knowledge of these particles was the Austrian physicist and Nobel Laureate Victor Hess who climbed aboard his highly combustible hydrogen filled balloon on Aug 7, 1912 to try and learn more about this mysterious particle, armed with a small brass encased electroscope he lifted off at the Bohemian town of Aussig and gained an altitude of 5,300 meters while taking measurements both day and night at great risk to himself before landing near Berlin Germany,
Dr. Victor Hess discovered that the particles were not being radiated from earth as previously theorized but that they were coming from cosmic origins, The higher the altitude the higher the radiation.this discovery earned him a Nobel Prize in 1936, Dr.Victor Hess escaped Nazi persecution with his Jewish wife to the United States in 1938 and became Professor of Physics at Fordham University before dying in 1964 in New York.
A group of Physicists looking to catch a few "rays" have taken a trip south and that brings us to the South Pole, As many countries set up laboratories at the South Pole, the ice in some areas is 9,000' ft thick and that makes it a perfect place to research and study these tiny Sub Atomic Particles moving at near the speed of light "186,000 miles per second" and striking earth from all directions.The largest telescope in the world is located under the ice in Antarctica with one of its primary purposes is to catch these tiny elusive particles, not to see out,but to receive in. Also used is a 450"ft balloon that circles 20 miles above the icy continent to catch cosmic rays, The study continues today, There are many people in Antarctica huddled in their laboratories at Ice-stations searching for the answers of our health, our planet, our cosmos, and of course "Our Thumbs"
Wesley J Hunt    
(as printed in the "Dolphin Talk" news print) 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Think I am Losing Myself.

Its dark out and i sit down in my white paint chipped old rocker chair overlooking the foggy bay and do the most politically incorrect thing i can do.. I light my old pipe filled with a sweet mild pipe tobacco and take a puff.. It has a slightly sweet coffee and musky smell and i start to think...I must admit i have always despised politicians, and grew up hearing and believing that most do not look out for the people or the greater good but instead look out for there own interests, egos, and nest eggs.
spending most of my life in the law enforcement field i have seen alot of this firsthand, and had become somewhat cynical about losing our rights as citizens but giving more rights to criminals,
I have also seen the increase in government controlling what one can do to, and at his home while increasing the taxes so much that some families have to move.
500.00 hammers, bridges to nowhere, and payed trips to Bermuda.. etc etc.. but by all means don't think that i don't realize that we live in the best country in the world, and many young men and women did not return home alive so i can sit here and complain.
But for the life of me i cant figure out what i was thinking one day when i decided to run for office, I know that i had a concern about the rise in burglaries in the area and noticed no one was doing anything about it, and noticed that taxes kept increasing and no one was doing anything. and that the local ordinance's were increasing yearly ..and what could one person do? well at least one person could say no!
So i threw my hat in the ring, In the beginning there was the story of the young man from town who was killed in in the Vietnam war and the tragic story of what happened after his death, It really affected me alot.. so it seemed fitting to name a street after him of course thinking that everyone in the world was patriotic and it was going to cost taxpayers nothing,and the signs would be payed for out of pockets of local veterans, I sat in amazement to see a hundred people stand in support and ONE! person of community status almost derail it. Ok! You would think i learned my lesson..
Well i guess i realize that i haven't, after numerous incidents of angering the wrong person of community or church status I often wonder if it is really worth it. Iam amazed at the people who will believe the most horrible rumor's, just a simple little rumor to hurt the person who deserves it.(and there tongue's will be a double edged sword!) remembering all those things that grandma told me from the bible. *Then it hit me* Iam a politician.. I of my own free will entered into this world of Deception, Power, Ego, and Control.. Humm lets see there is community politics, family politics, office politics,and even the politics of love i suppose,
I realize that this is reality. I once stated to a gentleman that if he is doing wrong to people in the community i will bring it forth immediately.. and if he is doing right i will stand and defend him EVEN! if it costs me my seat. * Then it hit me again*.. I am not losing myself.. Iam my own man, I Have my own mind, Grandma may be gone but her thoughts and teachings still live in me, and most people can see thru the smoke of politics.. Speaking of smoke, the pipe bowl is empty and my kitty cat is staring at me to pet her..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Try Thinking Deep.. If You Cant Sleep!

This Simple Exercise will Make you fall asleep.. Did i say simple?.. This post isn't for everyone. in fact few will be interested. but the ONE! who is.... really will be into it. ( Contemplate A Distance)
When you look at the sky at night do you really ever wonder?. Really wonder! how far away our nearest star is? Our nearest star is " Our Sun" Yep Its just a regular old medium star that is 8.32 seconds away..yes you are seeing it 8 seconds ago. it is 93 million miles away..and light travels at 186,000 miles per "second".. why am i telling you this crazy stuff?... well. here is the exercise.
Try and contemplate that distance.. if you can. If you have done it in say 5 or 10 minutes.. you failed!
I like to do it in a straight line.. and somtimes to stars much further away.. Try and imagine how far it is to the end of your block.. then to your nearest store.. the nearest next town.. across the county.. across many county' will take awhile to cross your state.. Remember what your destination is! think of all the long hours traveling even at the speed of a jet across the US.don't lose sight of the target "The Sun" lets say you want to go to the star Betelgeuse in the Orion constalation.. your looking at 1500LY (light years) at this distance it would take you 1500 years traveling at 186,000 miles per second. here is the problem.. the human body could not take the ecelaration so it would take you humdreds of years to gain 186,000MPS and hundreds of years to you are going to wake up in the morning before you get get far at all.
If you are still counting sheep to sleep consider this.. if you are 30yrs old you are one Billion seconds old.. you can not count to a trillion in your life time or your childrens life.. and that the largest known used number in Astrophysics is a *Googleplex* you can not write it out. there are not enough sheets of paper on earth.
Did you know that in the year 216BC Archimedes had already counted (not literally)to 10 to the powers of one hundred million. 10(8x10)(86)the numeral 1 followed by eighty thousand trillion zeros when he estimated the number of grains of sand to fill the (Observable)universe.( he had no telescope and no idea how large the cosmos was) Oooph!.. and i failed 2+2. well.. if you have been reading this thus far.. you have a sleeping problem. see a doctor and get medication....ZZZZZ........... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..ZZZZ
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz